we are a three person team of 2 programmers and an "artist"
and we are a bunch of noobs
stuff about the game
we make games for WINDOWS ONLY
so if you have a mac FUCK OFF
EVERTHING we do will not work
bugs, bugs everywhere
we have no buget what so ever
we are a f2p devs
links for dev will be going over V here V (soon)
the latest build: v 0.00000000001
Please do not contact us if you will contact us we will find you and we will kill you also we aren't going to read anything you send us but if you really wanna do it send us your feedback of the game.
Address: 27,hell st,yeruham ,isreal
Email: WeDontHave@AnEmail.com
Web: http://logiclab.neocities.org
Mobile: 972-052-g0-FUCK-you-rs3-lf